Aerial Adventures


Catch guests in the moment.

Action Photo Systems has solutions for high-volume aerial adventure parks to take great photos and organize them so guests can quickly find photos of themselves and their party. Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and intuitive touch screen sales kiosks allows your guide staff to work with your guests and not worry about taking photos.


Recommended Package


Automated Action Photo

A motion triggered camera with integrated flash captures that magical zipline moment consistently regardless of the weather.


Portrait Photo

A photo that’s manually triggered by the guest allows them to pose for that perfect selfie and involves them in the tour experience which encourages them to buy the photo!


Radio Frequency Identification

RFID tags can be placed on either the helmet, harness or embedded in a disposable wristband. RFID readers at each camera location automatically read the tag and associate the photo with its unique ID.


Touchscreen Sales Kiosks

One or two sales kiosks at the end of the tour can be integrated with you existing point of sale to encourage add-on sales. Many of our partners also add physical photo prints for an immediate and tangible take away.



Corolla Adventure Park
Corolla, North Carolina

Corolla Adventure Park installed an Action Photo System during their initial build out with one automated camera capturing a zip line and two portrait cameras. RFID was integrated from the beginning to help guests sort their photos. The success of the park and the photo system has led to adding additional cameras each year which boosts photo revenue. This year a hand-held system will be integrated with the automated system to allow them to capture additional photos during periods of high traffic.